Re: Don't bloat Gnome-libs, bloat Gtk+/Glib

Michael Meeks <michael ximian com> writes:
>         For example, I think it is extremely important that in the free
> software community we stop duplicating code [2]. One good place to start
> helping Netscape / OpenOffice share a common cross platform compatibility
> layer with us would be at the system abstraction level.

Hmm, one thing I forgot in my other mail. I have considered this
issue, but as I said haven't done so in a GLib context. Because I
don't think "just use GLib" is a solution that will fly.

If you want a standard that lots of projects will use, it needs to be
clearly separated organizationally and historically from any one
project. You also need everyone to feel involved in that standard. So
typically it's necessary to create a new codebase or new specification
in order to achieve standardization.

So I have in the past considered the issue of a cross-project system
abstraction, but have not considered GLib a viable candidate for
that. Maybe this helps you understand the current direction of GLib.

Also, from a technical standpoint GLib is very C-centric and
UNIX-centric, and this limits its generality.


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