Bugzilla - 2nd call for package maintainers

Hi guys,

there are already several products / components in Bugzilla, but
we're still lacking a lot of them. So if you're maintaining a package,
please go ahead and create the Bugzilla product and components for
it (make sure that each package must have at least a "general" component).

Please do also checkout the halloween module from GNOME CVS and edit
the following files in the bugzilla.gnome.org subdirectory:


I disallowed the `general' product in the reject-list.txt this afternoon
so there must be an entry in the alias-map.txt for each of Bugzilla's

In future, bug reports for packages which already have Bugzilla products
will go directly and only to Bugzilla, so it's very important to get a
working alias-map.txt as soon as possible.

Another thing which needs to be done is the reject-list.txt; especially
people from Ximian and Eazel should have a look at this file, it is used
to reject bug reports for some packages and send people an auto-reply.

This will be used for all products which already have their own bugtracker
somewhere else, for instance bugzilla.ximian.com or bugzilla.eazel.com.

Currently, all bugs for the `general' product are rejected as well; please
don't change this until we have the alias-map.txt and the reject-list.txt
done or they'll quickly fill up Bugzilla with junk rather than going to

As a last work, all you email folks can now send a message with subject
"help" to control bugzilla gnome org to get the usage instructions for
the email interface .....

Thanks for any help,
Martin Baulig
martin gnome org (private)
baulig suse de (work)

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