Re: Intolerable CVS behaviour

On Sun, Feb 25, 2001 at 06:15:13PM -0500, Elliot Lee wrote:
> On 25 Feb 2001, Almer S. Tigelaar wrote:
> >
> > I don't like ACL's. This is yet another measure that raises the barrier
> > for contributing to
> > Gnome projects. I don't think that's in the interest of the Gnome
> > community.
> >
> The problem is people committing crap to things they have no business
> touching. This problem can be solved either by manual ACLs (i.e.
> maintainer reverts unauthorized commits) or machine-enforced ACLs.
> The latter will remove a burden from the CVS maintainers.
Personally, I don't see a reason, why some hackers are so resistant to the
idea of ACLs? Yes, I love the feeling I can commit my piece of code to any
project without making a long(and not always successful) loop maintainer-me-

But I think, if we are really want to make Gnome a real industrial standard
environment, we should understand, that we need some kind of order in a pro-
cess of commition into CVS. I agree with Miguel and Elliot - there are too 
many problems with unapproved and evil commits into CVS...

What I really would like to know - is there a good, convenient ACL system for
CVS? What I'd like to see are:

    1. Ability to add as a commiter any arbitrary person to any arbitrary project 
    without any hassle. I.e. - nice web interface that can let the maintainer(s)
    just simply add and click.
    2. The same for removal as well :>
    3. Probably, define a several levels of trustiness - I belive that most :) of
    the maintainers will add Miguel as an authorized commiter anyhow. The same
    for a lot of other well know hackers. (you know their names, probably:)
    4. The above sounds like "some are more equal than another", but I think, it's
    fair - these people did a lot for Gnome in the past, doing a lot now and will
    do much more in the future. I think,'s rating is a good example
    how it should look like. 

So, as usual, question is - do we have something, that can do that nicely? If
yes - I'm voting for ACLs to be introduced ASAP.

Just my 0.02 rub.



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