Re: Menu names

On Thu, Feb 22, 2001 at 01:42:48PM +0100, Karl Eichwalder wrote:
> > > gedit (Text Editor)
> > > GIMP (Image Manipulation Program)
> > > gfrobate (Frobation Device Controller)
> George, you've my vote.  Not only "newbies" are using GNOME -- I'd
> appreciate it a lot to see filenames in menu entries!  (Yes, I know, I
> can query the properties using the mouse, etc. ...)

Well first we need to agree on some convention of naming, then we need to
start changing the names.  I don't think this can be done before 1.4, though
I suppose we could clear up some .desktop files.

> > It would be great to mouse over "Text Editor" and see "gedit - A simple text
> > editor". Less clutter, very direct, using infrastructure that's already
> > there.
> You're right, too.  We've to try to get both things right.
>     Menu entry:
>         filename (short generic name = class of the program?)
>     Tooltip:
>         filename - comment, 1-3 lines, nice to read.

However the user has to mouse over the item first.  This makes it hard to
look for a program.  Thus I think the name should actually be descriptive
itself, though perhaps doesn't have to be so verbose.

It is probably too late to get this in because of other work I gotta do, but
it should be possible.


George <jirka 5z com>
   You have the right not to be killed,
   Murder is a crime!  Unless it was done by a policeman or an aristocrat.
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