Re: time for a flamewar, or ... what about grdb

  This has nothing to do with my opinion of grdb.  I think that in
  principle grdb is a program we need to have due to the nature of X. 

> Now, if I run applications around a network, I get random settings (usual 
> default), rather than the applications getting their customizations from 
> the X server.

I would say that:

	* Remote applications are barely the rule these days.

	* True network transparency is non-existant anyways, as you
          wont be sharing the file systems across applications running
          in two computers.

	* The assumptions X made about the computing environment (the
	  way networks and workstations are used) never quite
	  cristalized and it is definetly not the common usage in
	  todays computing environment.
So, yes, it is unfortunate, but if anything X resources are just a
suboptimal solution for a very tiny problem.  On top of being a
suboptimal solution for a non-existing problem, X resources introduce
a set of broken ideas.  The "Unix Haters Book" goes into a hilarious
and sad look at X resources. 


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