Re: Dual Head

El Fri, 25 Jan 2002 14:39:47 +1030
Trevor Nichols <trevor ocdi org> escribio:

> On Tue, 2002-01-22 at 06:46, nestor di wrote:
> > Is dualhead kind of Xinerama?
> In a way, yes.
> > Is it a only Matrox feature?
> No.  My setup is dual-head, I have an NVidia card and a 3dfx Voodoo card
> (separate) running two displays on my computer.

but I read at that their feature is duealhead(R)
are you sure?

nestor di

> > Shouldn't Matrox support Gnome?
> The XFree86 setup has Matrox drivers AFAIK. Naturally it would be better
> for the company to supply decent drivers for us linux users to use. :-)
> > > What is the expected time lengthuntil Gnome supports dual heads?
> I'm no authorotative source, however I read somewhere on the GNOME lists
> that it will be included somewhere in the GNOME/GTK+ 2.2 range.  I am
> anticipating it as I use that kind of setup and it would be really nice
> to be able to do stuff more inteligently. :)

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