help !!!

Bon jour,
We are building an entirely free education system to be accredited in the future.  It is called MetaInformatique Technologie @  It is teaching Math and Computer Technology based on FRE-E GNU software.  We would appreciate you taking a look and giving us some input as to what you think.  Remember that student assignments in programming will be on GNU projects when they are ready, so they do pay by increasing the FRE-E software base.  Your direction here will be appreciated also.
Feel FRE-E to use it yourselves, if you please, and send all your friends and family for our pleasure.

Merci beaucoup,
" Dutch " L. Zempel
MetaCycle International ( MCI ) ( MCI ) FOR a FRE-E E-ducation AND C more++
U.S.A. @ 1'763.543.90210     Beverly Hills ???
M.I.T.  @ 1'763.464.0230       Oh M(i) bithday Oh !!!
J'espere vous voir / avoir bientot !!!

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