Re: UI Guidelines: Dialogs (2nd draft)

I got this directly, but I think it is interesting:

jcape jcinteractive com (2001-03-07 at 0728.55 -0600):
> Wouldn't it just be easier to have Return and Atl+Left go forward and
> Alt+Right go back. Return is a "duh, duh" kind of thing, and the
> Alt+{L,R} is used in web browsers pretty much universally (Windows does
> it that way, as does Mac I believe, Galeon & Mozilla too -- I believe
> that NS4 for Unix may not). For pages with text widgets in them, the
> Next button could use CTRL+Return.

I would say that Alt+Arrows would be fine for Next & Prev buttons.
About Return... if you have Alt+Arrows, no need for it, and maybe less
problems, cos it is not conditional (if text, Ctrl, if no text, alone)
or make it always Ctrl+Return.

BTW: when saying Return, I mean both the key in the Keypad and the key
near the letters, whatever name they have (Return, Intro, Enter,
Retorno de carro, <-'). Most people I know use both, specially if
right handed and mouse grabbed (and if left handed, hitting the corner
of the keyboard is easy too).

NS4 does use Alt+Arrows too, it just fucks it when the pointer is in
the URL box, just that.


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