Re: Usable menus at last!

On Sun, Mar 04, 2001 at 03:09:22PM -0500, Michael T. Babcock wrote:
> What are the actual rules for submenu display now?
> I'll have to download and install 1.2.9 because I'd love to see good hysteresis
> implemented ...

This has been hashed out before, but basically what happens is this:

When a submenu is opened, a notional triangle is between the cursor,
and the near corners of the submenu. 

         ,---------.          ,---------.
         |Submenu >|          |Subm''--,,---------.
         |Menu     |   --->   |Menu \   |Menu item|
         |Menu     |          |Menu  \  |Menu item|
         `---------'          `-------\-|Menu item|
	                               \|Menu item|
	(in this diagram the mouse-cursor is on "e" in "Submenu". The
	notional triangle is drawn)

If the cursor leaves that triangle (say, by moving up or down the
parent menu), the submenu is dismissed at once. 

If the pointer stays in the triangle, but moves over another menu item
(over the RHS of one of the "Menu" items) there is a timedelay before
the submenu is dismissed.

If the cursor leaves the triangle in to the submenu, of course the
submenu isn't dismissed. :)

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| Screwtape | Reply-To: is munged on Usenet |
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