Re: UI hiccups...

I have to agree.  I use my fair share of Macs and that is a really good
feature I'd like to see in Gnome.  Also, we need to make Gnome's UI much
more uniform.  A UI that is not uniform is very hard for novices and even
advanced users to learn.  This is most exemplified by how the mouse cursor
changes shape depending on what program you are using.  Some programs in
Gnome look like they have come out of the 1980s with their primitive UIs.
We need to make the Gnome UI and the UIs of the programs that are used in
Gnome more uniform.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Adams" <madleechnospam gmx net>
To: <gnome-gui-list gnome org>
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 4:48 PM
Subject: UI hiccups...

> what effort is going into solving some of the major problems in gnome's
> For example, the hierachial menus. Under the mac, you can bring up a menu,
> then drag *diagonally* to the menu item you want, without the menu
> to something else. Under gnome and windows, you have to move across, then
> down to the item you want. Not nice.
> Also, under the gnome-panel-global-menu, if you accidentally click on the
> wrong item, but think you can correct the problem by dragging down, you
> up picking up the item. actually, I tried that just now to check and gmc
> crashed! aaarrrrggghhh! This really isn't good. think about the poor mac
> users who end up dragging all their menus around and crashing gmc etc...
> Also, why is mouse cursor hard coded into the panel? try this...
>  $ xsetroot -cursor_name right_ptr
> Now, what do you see in all gnome windows? what do you see in the panel?
> Why?
> How about alpha drop shadows under cursors, ala Windows 2000 and troll
> tech's Palmtop Environment. Oh, while i'm talking about the mouse, how
> about reversing the pointer so it has a black border and a white inside.
> pointers out of the question?
> Finally, how about a mac menu bar. You know, the menu bar accross the top
> thing. Why? do i need to go into this? (Fitt's law applies here.) I mean,
> shouldn't be too hard to do. Every app has a gnome_menu_bar defined
> it? just patch gnome-libs so it displays at the top of the screen, while
> the window has the focus.
> Oh yeah, is it at all possible, using the latest advancements in X (see
> slashdot), to have alpha transparency drop shadows and anti-aliased fonts?
> - michael
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