Re: UI Guidelines: Dialogs

> On Tue, Feb 13, 2001 at 01:02:58PM +0000, Lloyd Wood wrote:
> > 'You've got Mail!'
> Lloyd, I don't know about you, but any mailer that brings up a
> window saying I have mail and makes me press a button every few
> minutes is going to get uninstalled pretty quickly.
> A beep is maybe OK, I prefer a silent update.

This is why you install something like "Mail Check Applet" in your
panel.  A simple animation shows you you have mail.  (It could be
more useful - like showing you HOW many messages you have, and how
many are new, and maybe even a list of authors/subjects, in a tooltip.)

> (one of my favourite gui mailers is still Sun's open look Mailtool;
>  perhaps it's very dated now, and the pushpins, wilst excellent,
>  don't gibe with gnome too well, but if it ever became free I'd
>  probably think hard about using it.  And you could tell it what to
>  do when new mail arrove - beep n times, flash n times etc.).

Hehe, I set up a procmail filter that runs a console beep command
playing different tools depending on whether the e-mail that just came
in is for me, specifically, or not (eg, to a mailing list here at work)


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