Re: About box redesign

famrom idecnet com (2000-09-12 at 0111.07 +0200):
> menthos menthos com (2000-09-12 at 0037.25 +0200):

[Methos proposed a new About box due some problems with translations,
so now is the time to get it right]

> > So what do you all think? Do you like tabs? Do you like auto-scrolling
> > information? Suggestions? Comments?
> The rest is pretty nice. The button reminds me Mac's "more" some

Forget nice. I forgot some things we talked here some months ago (or
was in the other list? Telsa and others said some great things):

Add full info about version, including RPM / DEB / whatever, if
possible. That way people can report bugs better. This could need some
adaptive hacking, but for RPM it is as easy as parsing the "rpm -qi
$(rpm -qf thisapp)" output (query info of this app package).

Add link to report bugs too and quick instructions about how. Some
guys like bug buddy (the link) and others to do via web or mail (the

Add info about commandline. At least the command to launch the
app. Maybe even more things like parameters, so people can learn how
to do that, and how to do more. Some users want to learn, and the rest
can ignore all this.

The normal list has some good comments about this. Telsa and others
did some great brainstoriming covering menus and other usefull things
(the about box, IIRC, and if not, this is the moment for it).

OK, about box becomes fat. But where to put that info otherwise? It is
fast, makes about box more usefull than ever. If this style becomes
the rule, people will start to use about box after the first time they
see it has a recopilation of info, and not just a "Joe did it". I
guess a tabbed approach will be the best if the coders add all that

BTW, the reference to click or copy is about all those email
addresses, websites and similar, and in general about all the info
provided (names, copyright holders). Yeah, people can copy things by
hand but that is slow and prone to errors. Self scrolling is nice, but
I guess sometimes nice is less important than usefull.


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