Re: Arlo, a little QA comment regarding your interview

Le mer, 25 oct 2000 21:25:23, Kevin Cullis a écrit :

> True, but then they shouldn't be called hidden files, but
> configuration/etc files to indicate that most people
> should leave them
> alone.

Right. In fact it's really a pity everyone uses . files and
not $HOME/etc/whatever. It's one case where I definitively
like the GNUStep/WM approach more.

> As long as I can configure, within certain reason, 

Well, not everyone wants to configure the same things. And
in any case, in expert mode *everything* should be

> Either I'm too new or I'm missing something. How can
> having 200 menus
> with few dialog boxes be more complex than 50 menus with
> more dialog
> boxes with tabs?  Didn't Apple's studies show that menus
> were faster? 
> I'm a process type person, and I think in terms of getting
> things done,
> the quicker the better because reducing cycle time makes
> me more
> productive. Of course, we can debate "quicker" and
> "better," but I would
> leave that up to the users and find out how THEY would
> consider it.  But
> dog gone, it seems like we're reinventing the wheel
> instead of making it
> a tire!

Try pan. That's a nightmare. Some dialogs to set the
prefered method of getting articles instead of putting *all*
methods in one big menu would definitively improve it.


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