Re: Arlo, a little QA comment regarding your interview with

About NS JavaScript/etc. controls:
> (taking into account NS stabilty, I would say always), on means get
> all, bad or good, so being able to toogle quickly would be great, cos
> some places worth the download and in others you just waste time...
> and money.

I wish there was such a toggle button and obvious display of
whether JavaScript were on and off... I was testing some stuff
last night (running Netscape w/ JS on, w/ JS off, Lynx, and Lynx with
a different UserAgent setting) and it was a pain in the butt to switch
back and forth between JS on and off...

But, like John said, some options aren't used this regularly by so many
users.  I only did this last night because I was testing stuff.  I normally
just keep JS off. ;)

( That's what I like about Gimp.  One day when I was scaling about 50
images, I simply made KP-Subtract a shortcut key to the Canvas->Image->Scale
option. :) )


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