Re: A call to action

Be forewarned -- nobody that I've shown this website to has come away
without commenting on the fact that David (the webmaster) feels that his
opinion, and only his, is true and perfect.  His opinion is worth counting
for the sake of the truths you can extract, but his method of communicating
that opinion is less than constructive.

Reading the actual Apple and/or Microsoft guidelines makes a lot more
sense.  Reading the user interface hall of fame/shame is worthwhile as well
to avoid common mistakes and get a handle for what is meant by "consistent

Hall of fame:
Hall of shame:

The rest of the iarchitect site is good too.

Kevin Cullis wrote:

> For added comments about Mac interface, check out this site.  Rather
> good comments and you'll find historical comments about how Xerox PARC
> and Apple came to different UI designs.  Good stuff.

Michael T. Babcock, C.T.O. FibreSpeed

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