Re: Testing & A Suggestion :)

menthos menthos com (2000-11-25 at 1728.00 +0100):
> >> I don't know if that's the answer to your question, but some Linux
> >> distros (at least Red Hat 6.2 and 7) sets the window title of terminal
> >>  windows to something prompt-like, with information about user, host,
> >> and  current directory. 
> > and how I wish it wouldn't. My terminal windows are often a means to ssh off 
> > to some other machine, and the window title remains "summer possum etc"
> So this is a problem with the host you're ssh:ing to, not the one you're 
> ssh:ing from. There's no way for example that gnome-terminal can know 
> the directory you're in on the remote host; the shell on the remote host 
> must explicitly be set up to provide this information to the terminal so 
> it can be set in the terminal's window title.

To get that info you just need some lines in your rc files for your
shell. I ssh a lot, an even to some RH or RH derivatives, and did not
get the lines, well, in the past I never got that lines in my own
machine (new RH feature?) so I always copy my config from machine to
machine and all xterms show the info, including hostname. For bash
there is a nice doc called bash prompt that teachs you lot of things,
some even really eye candy. Maybe distros should put better prompts in
general (conditional colors, better shape and all you can without
becoming bloated).


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