Re: Testing & A Suggestion :)

On 23-Nov-2000 John Summerfield wrote:
> john erling blad aftenposten no said:
>>  This is a real problem in many file managers. No one really cares how
>> they create new documents, they just add one more "Create foo-file"
>> element in some menu. I belive this should have a better solution.
> OS/2 has a templates folder. Templates are like other objects except they
> have 
> the "template" attribute.
> Users can open them  customise them, so I could open an "IBM Works" document 
> and set the page size to a4 and margins to my preferences and so on.
> Subsequently I could create an "IBM Works" document by grabbing the template 
> and dragging it to the desktop or to another folder; the dragging process 
> doesn't move it, it "tears off a copy."
> Most applications written for OS/2 (and some ported to OS/2) put templates in
> the folder for all their document types and for some other objects as well - 
> for example, telnetpm because it's convenient to have separate telnet objects
> for each site one visits regularly, each with its own attribute information 
> such as host, terminal emulation, terminal size.

This is an awsome idea!  I'd completely forgotten about that from my OS/2 Warp
days :)  How hard would it be to create a read-only type file/virtual file that
sits in a "new" menu or folder (editable of course, there is nothing I hate
more than in windows having to wait for ages when I right click and go to new
and have to wait for the 10,000 new types to load because every program I have
installed thinks that I will want to create a new document of it (ie: winzip I
only ever run when dbl clicking on a .zip file, never when right clicking on a
file (this is me anyway))).  

Something like this is almost already integrated into the gnomecc mimetypes
capplet.  Just create a flag for "visible" or something like that, and a
virtual file entry in the new folder appears, which starts up the program, just
as double clicking a file on the desktop or in gmc starts up the editor/viewer
associated with the mimetype does.

Alan Bailward -=><=- <alan ufies org> -=><=-
Whatever occurs from love is always beyond good and evil.
                -- Friedrich Nietzsche

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