Re: User interface suggestions

Le mar, 14 nov 2000 18:42:56, Adrian a écrit :
> On Mon, 13 Nov 2000, Blad, John Erling wrote:
> > The main problem with this approach are that boldface
> not only
> > signals "this is important" but also "this is a header".
> The last
> > one could trigger a lot of havoc if it is interpreted as
> an entry
> > into something else.
> > 
> I think that, in the context of the menus, the bold
> highlight isn't still
> used, so we can implement the suggestion... 

Just put a « used menu » entry in the default gtkrc, and let
theme conceptors worry if it should be bold, italic,
engraved or whatever.

The system font won't always have a bold version, so
worrying about this is pointless. And sensible theme
conceptors will choose a sensible solution (of course, some
themes will use insanely big fonts and blinking colors for
these entries:)


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