Re: User interface suggestions

On Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 02:23:50PM +0100, Blad, John Erling wrote:
> It also don't solve the real problem because you *know* where the
> item is when you use it often. If you could generate a hint where
> a seldom used feature is located ..

If computers just knew what you ment.... :-)

> As a "speed feature" I would suggest moving items from submenus
> up to the root drop-down menu and put them in as the last itemns
> in the menus. That don't disturbs the established menu order.

IMVHO, moving items is disturbing. Most experienced users navigate a
menu-hierarchy by recognizing the size and placement of a menu, without
reading all of the labels.

How hard would it be to implement the bold menu-items?

ben . de . rydt at pandora . be <----------------- I speak Dutch ------- inl. IPv6, Linux en Pandora

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