Changing default background for all users


	I would like to change the default background for all users.
I found nothing about that in any documentation.

My questions are :

    1 - Is it possible ?

    2 - How to do that ?
	For example to set links by default, I create a file in 
	Is there a /usr/lib/background* directory or something like that ?

    3 - There is no option to do this with the command

    4 - If a description file exists ( I saw nothing ), 
	What are the directives to include ?

    5 - Is it a FAQ ?

Best regards / Cordialement / Cordialmente.

Serge Noiraud                     BULL S.A. France - BULL TeleService     8 Bd Albert EINSTEIN  BP 72322               44323 - Nantes CEDEX 3 FRANCE                Fax    : (33) 02 51 81 48 20

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