Re: Zooming dock

Mark said:
>   I was wondering what peoples opinion of a zooming dock is. I haven't
> used MacOS X, but I would imagine it work similarly to what the video
> shows on their site. Icons would represent thumbnails of the application
> specific content,

Well, we already have something like this.

As of approx. version 0.4 of Gnome's "Desk Guide" applet shows thumbnails
of windows, a la the pager in Enlightenment.  (The one thing it doesn't do
(yet) is zoom-in when you hover the mouse over a thumbnail :) )

Also, Eazel's "Nautilus" GUI shell shows thumbnails of document content
when you're navigating around your filesystem.  (ie, thumbnails of images,
the first few lines of text from text files, etc.  One suggestion I had
when I saw Nautilus presented at SVLUG was to have oscilloscope views
of sound files, so you could start recognizing them by the shape of the
sound... or, at the least, tell which MP3 is louder than another,
for example. ;) )


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