Re: Article in PC Magazine relating to OS UIs

> A repository of LISP scripts that manipulate windows in sawfish.  If one actually
> gets the scripting feature to work, then pretty much all of the PC Magazine's
> problems could be easily fixed in gnome/sawfish... *IF* it were easier for users
> to simply plug in scripts into sawfish.  Right now it is a matter of putting
> LISP scripts into a directory and hoping that it runs, etc.... not for the
> average user who can barely right-click.

Nah!  Just right-click the ".jl" lisp file from that site, Save As to
one's home directory, then run:

  $ cat WHATEVER.jl >> .sawfishrc

then Middle-Click-Desktop -> Restart.


(I just installed the "Netscape: Titlebar" renamer script. Works great!)

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