Re: File dialogs: an attempt at a summary

----- Original Message -----
From: "Christian Rose" <>

> I don't like the paradigm of adding files from the file view to the file
> name field either. It breaks the "all files that are selected in the
> file view are also selected in the file name field and vice-versa"
> behavior, because in that scenario there could be more files selected in
> the file name field than in the file view.

There is no need to keep this behaviour from other platforms when there is
the possibility of offering the user something more intelligent or easier to

If I select 12 files from 12 different directories on my drive, pray tell
how I can review those files easily when they look something like:

/usr/share/pixmap/backgrounds/desert/04/01/3002.jpg; etc.

Offering the user a simple way to review their selection, and offering them
an easy method of cross-directory adding is a very 'good idea' (tm), so lets
bother to think of ways to do it.  "I prefer the Windows way" messages are
useful for tracking stats on how many people can't brainstorm inventive ways
to solve problems, and little else.

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