Re: File dialogs: Miscellaneous

"Michael T. Babcock" <> writes:

> 1) Name your files more appropriately by using your file manager and a
> quick-view program on double-click.

Hard, when you have several thousand pictures because you have a
digital camera, or when you have a number of pictures that differ in
ways which are difficult to explain.

Do you _honestly_ expect me to go rename 1572 pictures to include
sentences of descriptions in the filename just because you want me to
click preview for to see them?  

Image programs are going to ignore that bit anyway (look at the file
selectors for ee, gimp, and the background capplet, as well as most
commercial programs that let you insert images).

Alan Shutko <> - In a variety of flavors!
85 days, 21 hours, 28 minutes, 22 seconds till we run away.
"I am Clinton of Borg. Your paycheck will be assimilated!

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