Re: File dialog (was: Re: First UI component needing replacement.) wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 12, 2000 at 08:17:13PM -0500, James M. Cape wrote:
> > I have updated the file dialog redesign to indicate changes I have since
> > made. It is now more like the current dialog (relax, you'll see what I
> > mean), and also combines a Nautilus-style view picker. Plus it's also
> > much prettier :-)
> >
> > []
> I'll let other people make in-depth analyses if they want, but I have
> two questions:
> 1) Do directories appear in the same view as folders, or can we have a
> seperate tree view?

They would appear as files and directories. A separate tree view was not
considered when I did this (a long time ago) as Nautilus had no dir tree
view at the time. A tree view would appear as a collapsable tray along
the side, similar to Nautilus' sidebar. Obviously, how the files are
organized in the pane depends largely on what the view component you
have selected does.

> 2) What does the funky file icon do, sitting in its little tray? Can I
> drag it into Nautilus to save my file directly, can I drop it onto
> GnomeICU to send my unsaved file to a friend?

Ideally, both. That is what the icon is for. It also gives you
information on what the default icon for the file type you have chosen
would be, so it would (hopefully) be easier to find later.

Of course, keep in mind that this is just a suggestion by me, and may or
may not have any bearing on what actually gets done.

    Jim Cape

    If the United States Government spent as much on education
    as it did on the military, every student could fail in a
    solid gold desk.

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