Re: intelligent dialogs

Thus spake Dylan Griffiths (

> colin z robertson wrote:
> > Speaking of guidelines, where the hell are they? Surely there should
> > be a document somewhere stating the ui conventions for gnome apps.
> > Have I missed something?
> The only guidelines I am aware of are the code format guidlines Miguel has
> written.  The Eazel people should be doing something like this in concert
> with the Gnome at large community and this list, but they seem to be too
> busy porting the MacOS top-app-bar-thing and Internet Explorer to Gnome
> (Nautalis).

There are some docs in the gnome-libs tarball, but they are rather small and 
do not really say anything.

> I would very much love to see a standards document, and am wondering how
> many other people would be interested in one too.  I have a bit of a
> UI-problems document right now that I was writing for Kuro5hin (and hasn't
> been polished up yet), so we could start with writing out solutions to those
> problems.  From there it'd be fairly easy to document the problems
> (inconsistent keyboard accelerators, bad-dialogs, mis-named things adapted
> from Win32/MacOS environments, broken metaphors, etc), and get it onto
> [* a bit of an assumption, actually].
> Any else feel like working on it with me?
Standards are a good thing as long as they are not to restrictive.
If you need help I am with you.

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