Re: panel menu functionality...

Glenn Arndt wrote:

> There are not many things I miss about Windows, but here's one thing I
> always pine for when using menus on the panel (i.e., the GNOME foot,
> etc.) -- it would be cool if you could drag an icon from anywhere on the
> panel and drop it into the main menu (or at least the "favorites" menu)
> anywhere you want. Also, I'd like to be able to do menu editing (i.e.,
> adjusting the order of menus and launchers, as well editing launcher
> properties) entirely within the menu itself. One good thing about the
> Windows GUI is how you can edit the properties of any "shortcut" or menu
> item with a right-click. It would make menu editing much more convenient
> if it could be done like Windows does. (What I'm talking about just
> applies to the panel, though, not within apps themselves.)
> How easy would this be to implement? Is this too much of a headache to
> bother with? I would do it myself, but I've just started to learn C/C++.
> --
> email:
> icq:   #20116268

You can edit the properties of the menu items on the panel by right
I don't think left hand click and drag in the menu is a good thing. I've
new users to win98 accedently drag items of there menu and put them on
there desktop,
with no idea of how to put them back. I think it'll be better to have a
item on the
right click menu with something like 'add to desktop'.  There is already
add to launcher
and add to favourties.

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