panel menu functionality...

There are not many things I miss about Windows, but here's one thing I
always pine for when using menus on the panel (i.e., the GNOME foot,
etc.) -- it would be cool if you could drag an icon from anywhere on the
panel and drop it into the main menu (or at least the "favorites" menu)
anywhere you want. Also, I'd like to be able to do menu editing (i.e.,
adjusting the order of menus and launchers, as well editing launcher
properties) entirely within the menu itself. One good thing about the
Windows GUI is how you can edit the properties of any "shortcut" or menu
item with a right-click. It would make menu editing much more convenient
if it could be done like Windows does. (What I'm talking about just
applies to the panel, though, not within apps themselves.)

How easy would this be to implement? Is this too much of a headache to
bother with? I would do it myself, but I've just started to learn C/C++.
icq:   #20116268

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