Bowie >> Also, keeping a mind to reducing the numberI really like this point and think it is something that should always be referred too.
Bowie >> of "layers" a user must plunge through to accomplish a task is very
Bowie >>important.
At my place of employment, I would love to see (and help set up) a gnome
for Artists to produce work on. I mention this only because I have
seen many Artists
(and all people, really) often get frustrated if the task they want
to accomplish is
behind ten layers of menus and sub menus. I think that makes
something 10x more
complex for people.
I definitely don't claim to having a solution to this problem, but I
think it will eventually
be solved by occasionally looking back and seeing if it has been helped.
-- Ryan Johnston - The Banff Centre for The Arts Interactive Media Programmer / Artist (403) 762 - 6606