Re: Proposal for First Draft of GNOME Style Guide 1.1


The concept of "Compliance Levels" was first announced here, as part of
the upcoming *official* style guide framework, about two weeks ago. I
appreciate your input, but please hold off on producing them to the
mailing list until the formal groundwork has been unveiled at the UISG
Conference on Sunday. We all need to have consensus on the framework
before we move onto the details.

I really hate to say it, but (for now) such proposals only serve to
confuse the issues...for the moment. Hold off on it for now, and make the
appropriate suggestions for changing the design of the official framework
on sunday.

I do like what I see in your proposal, however, and i'm eager to debate it
with you during the conference. Its loaded with good stuff. :) However,
we're talking about the meat before the bones are even there. :) We're
just getting a little ahead of biggie.


| Bowie J. Poag |
| Sand and grit in a concrete base.                            |

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