And now, for something completely different.

Now that we've all happily on the road to Flameville (yeesh) and as
enjoyful as the search for whether Maciej has a clue or not may be,
lets go on to a few slightly more important issues:

Any comments are welcome. Just fill in the blank.

o In developing the style guide, how many individuals should be 
  responsible for penning the original document, before it will
  be given to the public to dissect, and suggest changes to?

o In your opinion, what should the final product cover? Where
  should the line be drawn between "guideline" and "suggestion"?

o Should deadlines be established to ensure a smooth course of

o Should the style guide address the use of sound within apps?
  Why or why not? 

| Bowie J. Poag |
| Sand and grit in a concrete base.                            |

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