Re: Style Guide suggestion

On 7 Jul 1998, Preben Randhol wrote:

> * "Ben 'The Con Man' Kahn" <
> | On 7 Jul 1998, Preben Randhol wrote:
> | again refer people to the menus in Word to see why I strongly suggest we
> I don't use Word...
> | 
> | 	Also, notebook tabs seem to be a very bad idea.  A tree view of
> | options seems more user friendly.
> Anything but the annoying trees you have to open and close all the
> time :)

	Try out the Netscape Communicator's Edit|Preference dialog.  I
think that's the cleanest interface to this problem I've seen yet.  (Then,
for a laugh, try out the Advanced tab in MSIE on Windows.  That's an
example of how NOT to handle a tree view.)

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Benjamin Kahn                        /,`.-'`'   -,  ;-;;'
(212) 924 - 2220                    |,4-  ) )-,_ ) /\ --------------- '---''(_/--' (_/-' ---------------
 If you love something, write it in C; if it compiles, it is yours; 
                     if it doesn't, it never was. 

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