Re: another UI annoyance

Paul Duran wrote:

> I think it would be good to have an option to be able to turn off those tabs
> on the left side of menu bars that let them be undocked.. I personally (and
> im sure others do too) have no need for these... Another alternative may be
> to be able to make that tab collapse the menubar (similar to the way
> netscape does it in communicator).

funny, i was just thinking about those tabs...

i used gedit to test this; it may already work in other apps but didn't
in gedit:

un-docked menubars should be allowed to be the _only_ window open on the
screen, remeniscent of gimp's being only a toolbar when no other graphic
files are open. it would be cool to select "close" from an un-docked
menubar and have the whole text window go away.

as always: comments?

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