Re: Idea for Gnome shell app...

    Maciej> I'm hesitant about the value of such a feature. Under a
    Maciej> Gnome desktop, shell users will most likely be
    Maciej> experienced users, since the shell will no longer be
    Maciej> mandatory for common tasks. Experienced users generally
    Maciej> find it faster and easier to type than point and click
    Maciej> (why else would they like the shell?) so for this
    Maciej> feature to be truly useful, it must allow faster
    Maciej> shortcuts than setting a one-character alias in your
    Maciej> shell.

I implemented a very similar feature for a database package I wrote
and it became very popular.  The ease of dragging a common command
up to a toolbar is the key to the idea.  Obviously commands that are
repeated hundreds of times over the course of months are going to
find their way into your shell aliases, but for commands that you
will use repeatedly for a period of time (and don't want to litter
your aliases with) it's a Good Thing.

Just one man's opinion.


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