Re: Proposal, and about icons in the path

 Justin Ross <> wrote:
 > The short version is: the unix file hierarchy is great for sysadmins,
 > not so great for my grandma.

 have you tried that?
 I'm serious. my sister knew nothing about computers, much less unix, when
 she bought a machine and I installed Linux on it. exactly BECAUSE the unix
 filesystem makes sense it was easy to teach her that documentation is in
 /usr/doc, or sometimes /usr/local/doc. I don't think creating a second
 "fake" fs root in the home dir or "desktop" will do any good, but if you
 have actually tried and seen it will, I'll be convinced.

 > /usr/doc/HOWTO/other-formats/html/, I want her to be able to open a
 > documentation folder straight of the desktop, perhaps under
 > [desktop]/reference/HOWTOs.

 that's not a problem without changing anything, is it? we have symlinks
 and/or we can have a doc browser start in that directory. I don't see a need
 to mess with the filesystem structure here.

 > Granted, the user should be able to choose.  To the gurus, obscuring the
 > real file hierarchy is just an annoyance.  They should be able to turn
 > it off.

 yes, please. :)

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
		-- Henry Spencer

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