Re: Proposal for File-Selection Dialog

>3.) I assume that your first image would be a horizontal-scrolling pane, 
>a la Windows.  If it's good enough for Windows, it's good enough for us, 
>I guess.  But: 
>this guy seems to disagree.  I dunno.  I've read through a lot of his 
>stuff, and I tend to think that maybe he has some sort of axe to grind 
>with Win95 UI 
>(maybe a Mac fanatic or something :-).  But his opinions on the file 
>dialog issue are at least choate enough to merit consideration.  So you 
>might want to browse this site a little bit for critiques/inspiration.

My opinion is like those guys: scroll shoul be vertical. Always was, always
should be. Just MS decided to "innovate", go against the rest (if it was
nicer, why MacOS still uses vertical?). Multicolumns is nice (or maybe not),
but with vertical scroll, not horizontal. Or, to solve problem: set a global
"FILE_DIALOG = vertical | horizontal". I will choose vertical.

BTW: We should avoid the waste of screen, I know computers that run at
800*600 or even 640*480.


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