PROPOSAL: UISG Compliancy Level Definitions

The UISG proposes that:

 o All compliancy levels MUST meet certain, specific criteria
   in addition to a set of -optional- requirements.

   Read:  Your program must have X, Y, and Z **AND** at least
          one of the following three attributes: A, B, or C.


          Your program must have X, Y, and Z.

   Its a simple structural issue, but it needs to be hammered out here
   on the mailing list for the upcoming revision. The rationale behind
   doing it this way, is that app coders will have some form of
   flexibility to help them get a leg up on improving their apps'
   compliancy level. Having a formula like:
   (base requirements) + (one of the 3 optional requirements) = OK
   Instead of a formula like:

   (meets requirements) = OK.

   This is merely a way to offer coders a little more comfort room when
   it comes to the development route they choose for their apps. Do we
   want compliancy levels to be STRICTLY defined, or a wee bit more 

Agree or disagree with this proposal?

| Bowie J. Poag      U of Arizona / Tucson!  |

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