Re: Why cluehunting ?

Preben Randhol <> writes:

> After browsing through the document I still have the same questions.
> 1. Why does this have anything to do with the Gnome-UI

UI = User interface = how to use the program, right ?
It can not be more related.

> 2. Why must all programs have this function.

Many programs could use a super tabcompletion.
Those should have it.
Remeber consistency.

> 3. Why should I want autocompletion (I for one hate it)

Yes. The computer should complete if asked to do so.
Never on its own.

> 4. How should it be possible to implement?

We need a API for that.
If it is cleas how to search in text buffers or other objects,
then this feature is simple.
But this point needs discussion or better example implementations.

> 5. Why should a word processor ask something other than ispell about
>    how to spell a certain word?

When you use long words tabcompletion is a wonderful feature to
ensure that you always use the same wrong spelling :-)
Seriously, I use it all the time.

My stand is that if you throw out autocompletion (as one should)
the cluehunting proposal is an attempt to generalize
If we ignore the religious issue of keybinding for now
we have to solve the problem of the API.
Is it sensible to search in non text objects for "clues" ?
Or is it enough to search in text buffers, but enforce its use 
in all programs ?

And I could not care less whether tabcompletion was originally
from tenex (tops-20 ?), emacs or MS. 
The question is:
   do we want it (yes from me) ?
   how do we implement it ?
   how much do we implement ?
   how hard do we enforce it ?
   how do we activate it ?
     (the last point is irrelevant aslong the other points are not clear)


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