Re: Why cluehunting ?

* "Dan \"Effugas\" Kaminsky" <

| Because users are lazy.  What would you do without tab-complete?

To clarify : I like the tab function in bash, but I don't like
autocomplete. Don't like computers that tries to outsmart me and fails

| That COULD work.

yes perhaps it will. But at any rate it needs a lot of research, coding,
testing etc. It is not possible to do this over night. I therefore
encourage you to work on the idea. Try to get coders with you and make
something that can be demonstrated. If it is a Good Thing we can
include it in a later version of the Style Guide. 

I think we should look at the current situation and make a styleguide
out of what we have and what can be done very easily/quickly. We
shouldn't base the styleguide on vaporeware that might work sometime
in the future.

It is always fine that people are creative etc, but I really think
that we need to get a foundation ready now which can be worked on and
improved on with time.
Preben Randhol                        The absurd is the essential concept           and the first truth.       -- Camus

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