Re: Why cluehunting ?

-----Original Message-----
From: Preben Randhol <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, August 19, 1998 3:26 AM
Subject: Why cluehunting ?

>After browsing through the document I still have the same questions.
>1. Why does this have anything to do with the Gnome-UI

Common to all applications in all locations.

>2. Why must all programs have this function.

Because users are lazy.  What would you do without tab-complete?

>3. Why should I want autocompletion (I for one hate it)

Pure autocomplete ain't great, but commanded expansion is generally loved.

>4. How should it be possible to implement?

Readline library appears a good start; however, *pure* extensibility might
lie in some kind of stdin/stdout implementation...stdin recieves the word
component, stdout is then redirected at the cursor in selected type form.
Standardized advancement commands would work here.

That COULD work.

>5. Why should a word processor ask something other than ispell about
>   how to spell a certain word?

Why should you have to load up ispell to spellcheck?

>6. Have you tried flyspell.el with emacs?

No, I suppose it rules :-)

>Preben Randhol                        The absurd is the essential concept
>           and the first truth.       -- Camus
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