Re: Desktop Configuration

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Vogt <>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, August 15, 1998 12:52 AM
Subject: Re: Desktop Configuration

>first of all - gotta agree strongly with john here. a lot of the fear
>have are because windoze (the system most of them use) indeed DOES screw
>and sometimes badly, if they touch something.

Research will prove this.

I haven't seen anything to say that users aren't going to fear our interface
any other than ANY less.  Burden of proof is on you--YOU'RE the one asking
the user all these questions they don't know how to answer!

>> While the user should be allowed to change settings, the user should not
>> need to.
>of course not.  that's why part of what I'm proposing is a sane default
>makes sense for at least the majority of people. the 2% who really don't
>have ANY games on their system will have to click 2 buttons or something,
>you've gotta draw the line somewhere.

What does the *research* say about the usability of dual button shortcuts?
Anybody?  This seems like something that was tried and dropped, like

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