RE: PROPOSAL: UISG Notification Sample Length Standardization

I have to also agree with those who are saying the 2 seconds is too
restrictive.  What if my program was _based_ around vocalizing messages.
In fact the more I think about it, a restriction like this is
Baaaad(TM).  A close friend of mine is blind and naturally relies on
auditory warnings.  I feel this time limit is arbitrary and could easily
infringe upon valid designs, for instance if I personally made my
program blind-aware and wanted to include informative sound messages.  I
also have been considering designing games that are 100% dependant on
audio, so this would entirely prevent these kind of valid applications
from ever receiving a GNOME compliancy.  This is no good.  I understand
your intentions, and I agree.  In most situations long winded movie
samples and what-not as alarms would be very, very irritating and
downright sleazy, but I feel that mandating this is too restrictive.
Maybe put in a word of warning that unless it is a necessary part of the
programs functionality, please restrict your sound sample length.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	John R Sheets []
> Sent:	Friday, August 14, 1998 11:06 AM
> To:
> Subject:	Re: PROPOSAL: UISG Notification Sample Length
> Standardization
> Bowie Poag wrote:
> > 
> > The sound sampless which are provided by the application to use as
> its
> > DEFAULT SETTINGS, straight out of the box, cannot be longer than two
> > seconds. If you want to put a sample in there longer than two
> seconds,
> > fine -- Thats your choice. But the application itself will never use
> a >2
> > second sample for notification purposes, by default.
> I don't think 2 seconds is long enough.  I agree with the other
> people who said 5 seconds would be a better length.  I think it's
> a good thought, but we shouldn't bear down too hard on this one. 
> It should be more of a friendly scolding than a fully-enforced
> requirement.  
> The style guide should have a section for (or a concrete way of
> addressing) "Polite" styles, things that GNOME thinks are nice,
> and civilized, but that aren't important enough to enforce.
> Does anyone (other than Bowie) feel that 5 seconds is too long
> for a default sound sample length?  
> Or perhaps sound events need to be separated into two categories:
> user events and system events, each with different sound
> lengths.  In this case, I would suggest 2 seconds for user events
> (mouse clicks, etc.), and 5 seconds for system events (mail
> notification, etc.).  However, I think a flat 5 seconds would be
> just as good (i.e. simpler, less to bicker & fret over).
> John
> -- 
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