Re: GnomeCLI

"Dan" == Dan \"Effugas\" Kaminsky <Dan> writes:

>> or store all the command-line option info
>> externally, for each tool.  The second option would lead to a
>> maintenance nightmare, considering all the different versions of
>> the hundreds of CLI programs that exist for UNIX...not to mention
>> the vast differences (POSIX vs. non-POSIX, etc) between UNIX
>> flavors, given the same tool!  If it's part of GNOME, it'll have
>> to be (potentially at least) pan-platform.

Dan> Do man files have a standard form?  Could we extract command line
Dan> options and descriptions from them?

No.  This is utterly impractical.  In fact, as another commentator
already noted, doing command option completion would involve a major
reconceptualization of the relationship between shells and
applications.  You won't get too many programmers to go along with

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