Re: 3D, Microsoft, and Linux

Dan Effugas Kaminsky <> wrote:
> (Let me tell you--this is Microsoft's strategy...100% 3D interface will
> obsolete 90% of computers, they hope).

and fail.

90% of PEOPLE don't have a very good 3d imagination. something I learned
long ago. look into the jobs that require 3d thinking - you will find they
aren't exactly filled to capacity.

furthermore, women have (on average) a harder time at these kinds of things
(I'm not being macho here - they have other areas where they easily leave
men in the dust).

hm, what does this mean for GNOME and all? I'd say keep 3d to a minimum.
raised buttons and such are good (real-life link), but the second you
require your user to imagine something in his head, you'll lose 10% of your
customers. every time.

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
		-- Henry Spencer

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