Re: PROPOSAL: UISG Menu Line Standardization

George writes:
 > wheather you think it's wrong ... right ...  doesn't matter ... it matters
 > wheather the coder will or will not do it ... people working on gnome aren't
 > paid for it (modulo a few) ... those people don't really give a rats ass
 > if someone thinks that it should be better documented ... if they want they
 > will document it  ... if they just don't feel like it .. they WON'T ...
 > most of us care and will do some sort of documentation ... but we won't
 > really go out of our way ...

The complete lack of professionalism, general tone, and content of
this and similar replies on this issue confirms for me the future
(doom) of free software as we know it. Come on guys, we're not going
to take over the world with an attitude like this!

 > because he loves to code ... he doesn't care if joe user uses the software
 > .. he usually cares that the software works ... 

Totally wrong. If there are no users to boost the coders ego, the
program falls of the face of the map after he finds a better tool or
gives up interest. I'm a coder: it's all about ego-trip, man...

 > GNOME is a free software project ... therefore it can't REQUIRE anything ...
 > nobody owns gnome .. nobody will go broke should it not succeed ...

Which, again, it won't with attitudes like these...

[This is also aimed directly at you Bowie...]

chris jantzen kb7rnl =-> 
systems administrator |    __O   |          student             |  _`\<,_  |     oregon state
possibly the best     | (*)/ (*) | computer science
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