Re: Gleef's comments

Gleef writes:
 > I do remember that I once said that a program should treat SIGINT and
 > SIGTERM as if the user hit Exit, and treat SIGKILL quickly and
 > non-destructively, with no user input.  Not the same thing as he's
 > quoting, but I don't remember anyone else talking about signals at all.

A user application can't trap SIGKILL. Your program dies. Period. :-)
If this were not so, rogue/trojan applications would be much easier to 
write under UNIX.

Gleef writes:
 > First, a question.  Is there any easy way (using imlib or something) do
 > have an inline PNG file?  By inline, I mean contained within the
 > executable code in a way that can be accessed, like you can with XPM

Not to my knowledge. XPM's are fairly flexible, their only major
draback being lack of useful compression. Perhaps a resource file
standard needs to be proposed.

Gleef writes:
 > One critical point, in general unannotated icons should have
 > tooltips.

Strongly agree.

 > I strongly agree with whoever said that any gnomeprint icon used for such
 > a menu should have a small, black, down-pointing arrow or triangle
 > in the

Strongly agree.

 > I still prefer the menu heading to be text, but a picture will work if it
 > is handled carefully.


chris jantzen kb7rnl =-> 
systems administrator |    __O   |          student             |  _`\<,_  |     oregon state
possibly the best     | (*)/ (*) | computer science
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