Re: RGSG - GNOMEprint

Gleef writes:
 > I still prefer the menu heading to be text, but a picture will work if it
 > is handled carefully.
 > -Gleef

I agree on this one. It does raise more issues than just having the
straight text, but nothing insurmountable.

Here's an anecdote from yesterday: my wife, who loathes computers
with a passion usually reserved for large spiders and bigots, sat down 
to the machine for a quick little test session with gedit (sporting
the new foot icon). Her computer experience, I should mention, is
limited to Netscape, MSWord, and SPSS.

Anyway, everything went pretty normally until it came time to quit the 
application. She *did*, at first, open the File menu, but didn't see
anything. She instantly muttered '...probably under the program-thingy
menu...', opened the Gnomeprint, and was done. No sweat.

I later asked why she'd done that. She said that it was the only menu
besides File which would have been an obvious place for the Quit
item. I asked 'but what made you think it was a menu' and she said
'what else would it be? look where it is'.

Now, this is hardly good science. :) But it's not really what I would
have expected, and she's never afaik used MacOS, the only other OS I
can think of to use this idea.

Just an example. I'm gonna try it with some other folk before I start
drawing any conclusions, though. Under slightly better conditions. ;)


Ya know, after a couple years, the significant other of a coder
probably knows more about computers than most mice know about

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