Re: PROPOSAL: UISG Menu Line Standardization

> > Yes, I do see where you are coming from.  But also, it might be nifty
to be
> > able to paste the password in the box when requested :).  But, you are
right in
> > this respect.  Probably shouldn't be mandatory. 
> Trust me. The decision is based upon whether or not the chance exists (no
> matter how slim) that an application (versus an applet) would ever NOT
> need an "Edit" menu. This is why Edit is not manditory across the board,
> but 99.9999999% of the time, its going to be there.
> Bowie
Agreed..I dont know about any of you, but I dont see why everyones on
Bowie's case. he's an asshole, but hes right.


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