PROPOSAL: Compliancy Level Standardization, Revision 2.

Around and around we go, where she stops, the UISG knows:

 * 5 Compliancy Levels (Agreed, and so it is done.)

 o Ordering of the levels occurs from 1 to 5, with 1 at
   highest esteem, and 5 at lowest. (e.g., Level 1 apps
   are "more compliant" than 5. Its done this way for the
   sake of inevitable revisions done by other maintainers
   in the future.

   Arguments on this are still welcome, as always.

   Agree or disagree?

 o Longhand "Gnome Compliancy Level 1 Applications."
   Shorthand "GCL 1 Applications."
   ..its dont this way so that the naming convention is unique.
   I dont think "GCL" has been used anywhere major.

   Agree or disagree?

| Bowie J. Poag |
| Sand and grit in a concrete base.                            |

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