Re: gnomeprint idea

On Thu, 6 Aug 1998, Tom Vogt wrote:

> Chris Jantzen <> wrote:
> >  > this is YET another thing, because as far as I understood, the intention was
> >  > to make the former "Program" menu the foot one. everyone go and read the
> >  > current (3) draft of the RSG, it's explained in there.
> > 
> > That's what I'm saying: Maybe making Program into a foot is a "Bad
> > Idea"... Testing is in order. :-)
> I absolutely agree with  that. we need a working mockup, maybe even a
> working program with it - someone mess with gedit or something?

I'll see what I can do about adding this to gEdit, but be warned I'm sorta
swamped right now. I personally like the idea of a foot, but I'm really
now sure how/if you can tell a gnome menubar to use a pixmap instead of
text for an item - I suppose I can use ascii art until I figure out how :)
Also, completely unrelated to this discussion, but I figured I'd bring it
up anyways - in the current version of the RGS, it still says document
based applications should provide a list of the four recently accessed
documents, and grey out their menu options when their aren't four recently
accessed documents. I personally don't see any reason for keeping the menu
entries around if they're not filled, and think the style guide should
instead dictate the actual placement of the recently-accessed list...

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